
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Roatan Weather Forecast for Saturday, Oct. 23, 2010

The Roatan Weather Forecast
as presented by 
CoCoView Resort
 CoCoView is located
16.3°N Latitude x 86.5°W Longitude
in the
NW Caribbean Sea
M-F at 7:15am, 8:15am and 9:15am
 For Saturday Oct. 23, 2010
For today, our skies will be cloudy, with intermittent rain.
Winds will be northerly at 10 to 15 mph. Waves will be 1 to 4 feet in height. Winds 
and seas will intensify later  today. At 8am, this morning, the center of Tropical 
Storm Richard was located about 235 miles east of us. Maximum sustained 
winds are 45 mph. The minimum pressure was 1004 millibars. It is moving 
west at 4 mph. At this speed, the center of Richard will pass over us sometime 
early Sunday morning. We will be in the storm field most of Sunday.All interests 
in the Bay Islands and on the North Coast of Honduras should be continuously 
monitoring this storm system and be preparing for tropical storm force 
conditions, with winds of 38 to 73mph or higher.

The air temperatures will be in the high 70s (F) to the low 80s or 24 to 25 (C).

At depth, ocean water temperatures are about 82F to 85F or 27C to 29C. Surface
temperatures are lower and vary greatly due to the heavy rainfall which occurred recently.
The tides:                                                     Moon and Sun
low tide |2:12 am LT                                 Moon Rise – 5:53 pm LT
high tide 8:54 am LT                                  Moon Set – 6:05 am LT
low tide | 2:32 pm LT                               Sunrise - 5:41 am LT
high tide 7:36 pm LT                                  Sunset - 5:22 pm LT
Forecaster: Doc Radawski

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